Science Center

The science center will comprise of:

Lobby - An extended height to display a pendulum or other dynamic displays. Natural lighting is a must.
Auditorium - A theater that will accommodate both lectures and demonstrations.
Experiment classrooms - equipped for demonstrations. Moveable partitions to integrate classrooms stations in case of an overload of students\spectators.
Exhibit - Major exhibit along with sub areas: atomic, computer, space, robotics, electronics, communications, environment, and medical.
Camp dorms - They must accommodate 25 boys and 25 girls. Include should be: eating area, washrooms, and showers.
Other areas are: administration offices, vending areas, employee lounge, truck dock with storage, rest room, and parking space for 50 cars.

This project is not a bureaucratic money toss. They are investing in Windsor's future and everyone that's interested in learning about science. this is not to be a money make, but a knowledge maker and preserver.